200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Tutorials

Categories: Course

About Course

Welcome to Balanced Planet Yoga’s Online Tutorial Course for 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Trainees + Graduates.  This course is a place you can come to refresh your skills + take a second peak at previous lectures.  This is only available by request, as you will need a code to enter the course or for us to unlock it for you.

This material is the sole property of Balanced Planet Yoga YTT and may not be duplicated or redistributed in any format.


Copyright 2024

What Will You Learn?

  • You will be able to take another look at materials + lectures from YTT.

Course Content

Intro to Doshas
Learn the basics about doshas

  • Doshas

Teaching Beginners
Refresh your knowledge about important factors to consider when teaching to beginners

200 Hour Sanskrit Module
Learn some basics about Sanskrit when using it in your classes

Koshas + Gunas
Get a refresher about these two philosophical concepts from our 200-hour training

Art of Assisting Flow 2+3
Join Jenna + Bob for a refresher on assists you can do in flow 2 and 3 of the BPY flow.

Student Ratings & Reviews

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