• The Struggle is Real

    I finally got into a pose that I have been working on forever – eka pada bakasana or one-legged crow pose. I was super-excited, had the camera all set up, and was ready to post it on my January Instagram challenge for the Chicago Yoga Lab.  I open up the app to begin the process of editing only to find out that my extended leg was cut off by the angle of the camera. No problem I thought….I’ll just do it again. And again. And again. Well you get the point.  The again never happened.  Such is the life of a yogi.  Our egos are always being put in check.…

  • I Cannot Do Yoga

    “I cannot do yoga”. Yup, I know.  I have about a million reasons that I have heard to add after this phrase.  I cannot do yoga because I am not flexible, because I don’t know what I an doing, because I heard that yoga tries to change your religion,  and because, because, because.  The list goes on. But let’s be real….you can do yoga.  Anyone can be a yogi. Here is what I am going to tell you – It doesn’t matter one bit if you can’t touch your toes.  In fact, it’s even better.  Yoga isn’t about learning to touch your toes – at least it is not completely…