Embracing Loving Kindness: Reflecting on Our Journey + Introducing Vipassana Meditation

    Reflecting on Loving Kindness Meditation Over the past eight weeks, we’ve embarked on a beautiful journey together, exploring the practice of Loving Kindness (Metta) meditation. This practice has guided us to cultivate a deeper sense of compassion, empathy, and unconditional love, not only for ourselves but also for others. It’s been heartwarming to witness the transformation and growth within our community as we collectively open our hearts. Let’s review Metta before we head into our next technique – Vipassana meditation. Benefits of Loving Kindness Meditation The benefits of Loving Kindness meditation are profound and far-reaching. Many of you have shared your experiences, highlighting the following: Buddhist Teachings on the Benefits…

  • online meditation

    Free Online Meditation Classes at BPY

    Set the Tone for Your Day in 7 Minutes: Join Our Free Online Meditation at Balanced Planet Yoga In a world that’s constantly buzzing with activity, finding moments of tranquility can seem like an elusive dream. Yet, amidst the chaos, it is possible to create space to check-in and create some calm in the storm. One such place is here, at Balanced Planet Yoga, where we meet weekday mornings on Zoom at 730 am to start our day with a community guided free online meditation. We have been going strong since January 1st, and if you are looking for a better way to start your day, you may have just…

  • 4th of July

    Thoughts on July 4th

    Cultivating Inner Freedom As fireworks light up the night sky and the air fills with the sounds of celebration, July 4th, known as Independence Day, is a time when the United States commemorates its freedom from colonial rule. It is a day of reflection, gratitude, and remembrance of the sacrifices made for liberty. While the historical significance of this day is undeniable, I started to reflect on the idea of what freedom looks like, and feels like. Yoga, with its ancient teachings and practices, reminds our true freedom is not a destination, not dependent on any external circumstances to be just this or that, nor any material achievement, but rather…

  • Dharma and the Bhagavad Gita

    Discovering Your Dharma

    A Journey of Purpose and Fulfillment In the vast tapestry of life, each individual possesses a unique purpose and calling, known as their dharma. Derived from the ancient wisdom of Hindu philosophy, the concept of dharma offers guidance to seekers in understanding their inherent duties and roles in the world. The Bhagavad Gita, a sacred scripture revered by millions, provides profound insights into the nature of dharma and its significance in leading a fulfilling and meaningful life. This essay briefly explores the essence of dharma and its relevance in our modern existence, supported by poignant quotes from the Bhagavad Gita. Discovering and living in alignment with our dharma is an…

  • Root and Throat chakras

    Can’t Meditate? Try these Four Tips

    Meditation is an ancient practice that has gained popularity in recent years for its numerous benefits to physical and mental health. However, many people struggle with the practice and find it challenging to meditate regularly. If you are one of those people who can’t meditate, you are not alone. In this blog post, we will explore some of the reasons why people struggle with meditation and provide some tips on how to overcome them. One of the most common reasons why people struggle with meditation is because they have unrealistic expectations. Many people believe that they should be able to achieve a state of complete stillness and calm within a…

  • Gross, Subtle, and Causal Bodies

    The Gross, Subtle & Causal Bodies

    The Doctrine of Three Bodies is found in ancient Vedantic texts, known in Sanskrit as Treya Sharira. This teaching is one of the fundamental aspects of yoga. Here, we will introduce the concepts of sthula [gross], sukshma [subtle], and karana [causal] sharira – the physical, subtle, and causal body. In the ancient Indian tradition of yoga, the human body is believed to consist of three main parts or “shariras”: the physical body or “sthula sharira,” the astral body or “sukshma sharira,” and the causal body or “karana sharira.” These shariras are considered interconnected and interdependent, and they form the basis for understanding the complex nature of the human experience. Let’s…

  • BPY Welcomes Beginners

    If you’re a beginner at yoga postures [asana], you may wonder where to start. Yoga is an ancient practice that has become popular worldwide because of its many benefits for both the mind and body. It’s a great way to reduce stress, increase flexibility, build strength, and improve overall well-being. It is important to remember that there is so much more to yoga than the postures, and the benefits of regular practice extend well beyond being able to hold any pose. That said, here are some tips to get started with the physical side of yoga as a beginner. Balanced Planet Yoga hosts two beginner yoga classes on its weekly…

  • Circular Fashion

    What the heck is Circular Fashion?

    And what do clothing swaps have to do with it? To understand circular fashion, you must first understand the term “fast fashion”. Fast fashion refers to a sector of fashion whose business model relies on the rapid design, production, distribution of clothing. This allows retailers to produce large quantities of a wide variety of clothing at a low price to consumers. For the individual customer, this makes snatching up the latest trends easier and more affordable, rather than splurging on the more expensive item. However, therein lies the problem. Consumers are purchasing more clothing than ever due to its poor quality. This cycle of buying and discarding has created a huge…

  • Rhodonite to the Rescue

    Rhodonite to the Rescue

    Ahhh, so we meet again my crystal enthusiasts! Today we’re going to touch on another crystal that has been called the “rescue crystal”, otherwise known as rhodonite. Physically, this crystal is pink with black veins (manganese oxide) that run through out. Metaphysically, this sublime crystal is known to fill both your heart and soul with love, leaving little space for inner conflict and turmoil. Rhodonite’s energy is also beneficial for balancing emotions while clearing away wounds and scars from your past. This makes it a wonderful companion during inner child work and any time you want to heal matters of the heart. Because rhodonite can absorb negative energy, you’re going to want…

  • Citrine

    Citrine – Abundance, Prosperity + Positivity

    If you clicked on this blog, chances are you either always have a crystal on you (like me) or you’re wondering what the big deal is. Regardless of where in your crystal journey you are, this thread will provide a little insight about specific crystals and how to care for them. We’ll kick off our crystal blog with a stone suitable for Leo season as it shines the sunny shade of yellow/orange. CITRINE!! Citrine is a popular type of quartz used to welcome abundance, prosperity, and positivity. We could all use more of that! An interesting fact about citrine is that it transmutes negative energy rather than absorb it, so it doesn’t…