Rhodonite to the Rescue

Ahhh, so we meet again my crystal enthusiasts! Today we’re going to touch on another crystal that has been called the “rescue crystal”, otherwise known as rhodonite. Physically, this crystal is pink with black veins (manganese oxide) that run through out. Metaphysically, this sublime crystal is known to fill both your heart and soul with love, leaving little space for inner conflict and turmoil. Rhodonite’s energy is also beneficial for balancing emotions while clearing away wounds and scars from your past. This makes it a wonderful companion during inner child work and any time you want to heal matters of the heart.

Because rhodonite can absorb negative energy, you’re going to want to cleanse it often; especially if you use it a lot. A very easy way to care for rhodonite is to place it next to a selenite bar while you sleep, or even for an entire day. Selenite has the rare ability to cleanse other crystals, so think about it like a therapist for your other crystals. Your stones talk and selenite listens. 

You can snag one of these babies in our retail space in the form of a tower, making it a perfect addition to your nightstand or work desk.

What crystal should we talk about next?!

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