• 108 Journal Prompts about Yourself

    Unlock Your Inner Self: 108 Prompts for Self-Discovery We often get so caught up in the hustle of everyday life that we forget to pause and reflect on who we truly are. At Balanced Planet Yoga, we believe that self-awareness is the foundation of personal growth and balance. To help you on your journey, we’ve created a free digital download, 108 Prompts About Yourself—designed to guide you through a thoughtful exploration of your experiences, values, and dreams. Whether you’re new to journaling or a seasoned writer, these prompts will inspire you to dig deeper, reflect mindfully, and reconnect with the person you are at your core. Download your copy and…

  • A Wandering Mind is an Unhappy Mind

    Unlocking Happiness Through Mindfulness: The Science Behind Your Mind + Meditation Dear Balanced Planet Yoga Community, Have you ever found yourself physically present but mentally miles away? Perhaps you’re in a yoga pose, but your mind is replaying yesterday’s conversations or planning tomorrow’s tasks. You’re not alone. Modern life pulls our attention in countless directions, often leaving us feeling scattered and stressed. But what if the key to greater happiness lies in anchoring our minds to the present moment? Let’s look into some fascinating scientific findings that highlight the profound impact of meditation and mindfulness on our well-being. A Wandering Mind Is an Unhappy Mind In a groundbreaking study published…

  • Brain Longevity

    Yoga for Brain Longevity

    The Science Behind the Practice In recent years, the scientific community has increasingly recognized the profound impact of yoga on brain health and longevity. Yoga, an ancient practice that combines physical postures, breath control, meditation, and ethical principles, has been shown to enhance cognitive function, reduce stress, and promote neuroplasticity—the brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections. These benefits are particularly important as we age, as they can help maintain and even improve brain health, increasing brain longevity. Studies suggest that regular yoga practice can slow down the cognitive decline associated with aging and reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Scientific research supports the…

  • Emotional Hijacking

    Emotional Hijacking: Understanding and Overcoming It Through Yoga Practice

    In our fast-paced, ever-connected world, it’s not uncommon to find ourselves overwhelmed by intense emotions. Whether it’s anger, anxiety, or sadness, these moments can take over our rational thinking—a phenomenon known as emotional hijacking. Understanding what emotional hijacking is and learning to cope with it is crucial for maintaining mental and emotional well-being. One of the most effective ways to navigate these turbulent emotions is through the practice of yoga. What is Emotional Hijacking? Emotional hijacking occurs when our emotions override our logical thinking, leading us to react impulsively rather than thoughtfully. This is often a response to stress or perceived threats, where our brain’s amygdala (the emotional center) takes…

  • The Solar Chakra: Understanding, Unblocking, and Managing

    The Solar Chakra, also known as Manipura in Sanskrit, is one of the seven chakras in the human body’s energy system. It is the third chakra, located in the upper abdomen area, and is associated with the color yellow, the element fire, and the sense of sight. The Solar Chakra is responsible for our sense of self, personal power, and willpower. It governs our ability to take action, make decisions, and pursue our goals. When the Solar Chakra is balanced, we feel confident, motivated, and in control of our lives. However, when the Solar Chakra is blocked, we may experience feelings of insecurity, anxiety, and lack of direction. What Blocks…


    Why Everyone Should be doing the Kirtan Kriya

    Kirtan Kriya is a form of meditation practiced for centuries, particularly in the Sikh tradition. It involves repeating a mantra while performing specific hand movements. In recent years, Kirtan Kriya has gained attention for its potential benefits in slowing down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. Current treatments for Alzheimer’s disease only provide temporary relief of symptoms, and there is no known cure. However, studies have shown that Kirtan Kriya can help improve cognitive function, reduce stress, and improve overall brain health in Alzheimer’s patients. The practice of Kirtan Kriya involves repeating the mantra “Sa Ta Na Ma” while…

  • Exploring the Foundations of Balanced Planet Yoga

    A Fusion of Ancient Wisdom and Modern Practice At Balanced Planet Yoga, we understand that many people come through our doors with the sole goal of getting stronger + more flexible. And, we are very happy to offer this service, providing a safe + caring environment for anyone to practice yoga. We also know yoga goes beyond the asana practice [physical postures], and if you are one of those people who is ready to learn a little bit more about what this means, well then, this blog post is for you! Yoga certainly has a lot of benefits for this physical body, but yoga is also a holistic body of…

  • Mandalas

    The Mandala

    Mandalas are ancient in origin but a relevant tool for the modern practitioner. Learn more about these intricate geometric designs. Bonus, download BPY’s mini-coloring book + share your Mandala experience with us. Mandalas, intricate geometric designs that originate from ancient spiritual traditions, have captivated human consciousness for centuries. Derived from the Sanskrit word for “circle,” these sacred symbols hold profound significance in various cultures worldwide, offering a gateway to inner peace, self-discovery, and spiritual enlightenment. Origins and Symbolism: The origins of mandalas can be traced back to ancient Indian and Tibetan cultures, where they were used as tools for meditation, healing, and spiritual growth. These intricate designs symbolize the universe,…

  • Root and Throat Chakras

    Root + Throat Chakras

    Our root chakra helps us feel safe, while our throat chakra allows us to speak our truth. How can we explore the energies of these two levels? How are these two chakras manifesting in your life? Assessing the state of your throat [Vishuddha Chakra] and root [Muladhara Chakra] chakras, and understanding how they interact with each other, can provide valuable insights into your overall well-being and energy balance. After learning a little bit about each chakra, take out two pieces of paper [one for each chakra], and do an assessment of your relationship with each. Here are some assessment questions you can ask yourself: Throat Chakra Assessment: Root Chakra Assessment:…