Common Denominator
When you think everything is someone else’s fault, you will suffer a lot. When you realize that everything springs only from yourself, you will learn both peace and joy.” -The Dalai Lama Love this Dalai Lama quote that focuses on personal responsibility and awareness. We live in a world where we are constantly reminded that everything that happens is someone else’s fault. The stock market crashed because of bad people (Ok, so maybe some research would have been helpful). I’m late to work because of construction (yep, notified in advance). My kids are unruly because of violence on TV (yes, the television does have parental controls and there is this…
The Road Less Traveled by Cheryl Betten
Take the scenic route… Whenever asked what is my favorite quote, I immediately whip out my favorite Robert Frost poem The Road Not Taken’s ending line: “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” These lines highlight a distinct theme that has run through my life, and as I imagine, like many of you taking the time to read this blog. That theme for me is about choices and about seeing your choices, good and bad, as a learning curve and not a point of no return. Sometimes these choices have been simple in my days, such as…
The Human Experience by Dave DiSanto
Sharing In The Human Experience Why is it the things that we’re all so vulnerable to talk about are the very same things that make us all so Human? What are we all so afraid of? Perhaps it’s the love, I’m sure it’s the tears. Why are we so hesitant to show one another the bottoms of our feet? Do we think people will only see the dirt and not the soul? At night, do we see only stars and not the Glorious, mysteriously Grand universe all around them as well? Would it be nearly as beautiful if there were only stars… or only darkness? If we meet someone…
Savasana – Why can’t I stop thinking?
Just about every class ends in savasana at BPY – which is some version of collapsing on your mat after the end of class. You know, the spot where you start to re-live the argument you had with your spouse before class, where you berate yourself about your performance on your last exam, and oh yea, where you start to wonder if you have enough time to stop for milk after class. A little tongue-and-cheek for sure, but probably pretty relatable to those of you who have just started practicing yoga and even those of us who have been practicing for a long time. Savasana is not as easy as it…